One of the global problems in the world is pollution of the environment and smog. We see and feel it on our own skin. To a large extent, pollution comes from the transport sector. The topic is discussed in the media and at world summits. The solutions proposed by the heads of countries are one thing, but you can also contribute yourself to the improvement of air quality and the environment. The solution is simple, available immediately and depends only on you.
Interested? Let’s take a look at some facts.
Ecology in numbers
If you use gas in your car, in comparison to petrol, the car emits about:AND NITROGEN OXIDES
Do you know that LPG does not produce soot or other residues? The conclusion is simple – as a driver you have a real impact on the environment, and the best solutions are very easy to apply. Remember – cars that use gas system are definitely more environmentally friendly than cars powered only by petrol or diesel!

Do you know that smaller amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere is a factor to which we all should pay more attention. Especially in the era of high level of smog.

Do you know that LPG and CNG are environmentally friendly and have a huge impact on improving air quality. Take care of your pocket and what you breathe and what your close relatives breathe.